Mad Rollin' Dolls try-outs

That's right, ladies, the Mad Rollin' Dolls are recruiting. We need a few good women to join up and flesh out our ranks. We need a new crop of rookies. We need a few dedicated, strong, and hardworking beauties and we're looking at you.
You've got what it takes to gear up and train. Trust us, we know it when we see it. Your muscles will be toned and tortured by hours of hard, fast practice. You'll love every minute of it. You'll sweat like you've never sweat before. You'll curse under your breath, and then dig deep and skate faster. You'll be bruised and sore, and you'll come back again the next day for more. You'll scrimmage against Dolls who will pull no punches, and you'll get knocked to the ground. You'll learn how to get up, and you'll get up every. single. time.
And in the end, you may just be drafted onto one of the four finest teams in the whole wide world, and you'll be able to say, "I am a Mad Rollin' Doll."
Think your skating's not quite up to par? Get your skate legs back, and get to know the ladies of our league. MRD is hosting a series of open skates to expose derby girl wannabes to Derby 101 and get a good look at them before tryouts. $5 with skate rental, $3 without; recruits may bring emotional support but no slack-jawed rubberneckers allowed. Show up at Fast Forward on June 24 at 10:00 AM, July 15 at 10:00 AM, and July 18 at 4:00 PM. Really want to sweat? Come to skater conditioning practice on July 10 at 6:00 PM.
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